Dogfish dissection manual

Grades Bruce D. Wingerd. Presents the gross anatomy of the spiny dogfish in a logical, understandable sequence of dissection instructions and pictures. The author supplements dissection procedures with descriptions of basic physiology, morphological adaptations, and the structural relati. Super˜cial Anatomy Skeleton Eye Spiracle First Dorsal Fin Second Rostrum Spine Spine Dorsal Fin Caudal Fin External Nares Mouth Gill Slits Pectoral Fin Lateral Line. dogfish-shark-dissection-lab-and-answers 1/19 Downloaded from on J by guest [EPUB] Dogfish Shark Dissection Lab And Answers If you ally craving such a referred dogfish shark dissection lab and answers book that will provide you worth, acquire the unconditionally best seller from us currently from several preferred authors.

1. Place your shark ventral side up on the dissection tray. Refer to Figure 5 on the page 13 2. Using scissors – blunt tip inside the shark – make a cut from the left side of the jaw (the shark’s left) caudally down through the middle of the gill slits and through the pectoral girdle down to just above the cloaca. Cutting through the. Its primary focus is the presentation of a logical and understandable sequence of dissection instructions that will guide students through a pictorial journey of dogfish anatomy. The dissection procedures are supplemented by descriptions of basic functions, morphological adaptations, and structural relationships to other vertebrates. Available in Digital and Interactive Format. Dogfish Distribution. External Anatomy of the Dogfish Shark. •Double dorsal fin –anterior dorsal finis larger than the –posterior dorsal fin. –Presence two spines. •one immediately in front of each dorsal fin. •spines carry a poison secreted by glands at their base. •The paired pectoral fins. –act like an airplane's wings to provide the lift needed to keep the shark from sinking.

The purpose of this guide is to present a summary of the available information on the anatomy of the spiny dogfish. Part II - Dogfish shark dissection for educational use: lesson plans, quizzes, additional dissections, and more available at. Shark fisheries. 2. Trade in shark commodities. 3. Conservation and management of sharks. 5. HOW TO USE THIS GUIDE. Shark fins technical.


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