First Edition • Seventeenth Printing Operator's Manual Safety Rules Danger Failure to obey the instructions and safety rules in this manual will result in death or serious injury. Do Not Operate Unless: You learn and practice the principles of safe machine operation contained in this operator's manual. 1 Avoid hazardous situations. DIG UNIVER MICR DMY LIGHT INDICATOR INDICATOR TYPE: DIGITAL UNIVERSAL PROC SINGLE REFERENCE: DMYLIGHT MANUFACTURER: PRESYS OUTPUT SIGN: 04 TO 20 MA POWER SUPPLY: 75 TO VAC / TO VDC DISPLAY: 4 1/2 DIGITS NOTE: PROVIDE CONFIGURED TO. FREQUENCY INDICATION. PROVIDE . The design of DMYLight Process Indicator and DMYTOT-Light Process Indicator-Totalizer is characterized by high reliability and precision, electrical noise and EMI immunity, besides well elaborated technical manual. These features make them ideal for industrial applications in Instrumentation and Process Control.
Ingresando parametros a un tacometro presys DMYF- www.doorway.rutro para mostrar la velocidad de una turbina a vapor. The design of DMYLight Process Indicator and DMYTOT-Light Process Indicator-Totalizer is characterized by high reliability and precision, electrical noise and EMI immunity, besides well elaborated technical manual. These features make them ideal for industrial applications in Instrumentation and Process Control. DMYLight • DMYLight: Universal input for RTD, thermocouples, mV, mA, Vdc and Vdc. • 4 ½ digit display of high visibility. • Linearization for RTD and TC, square root extraction function. • Power supply of Vac, 50/60 Hz or to Vdc; 24 Vac/dc and 12 Vdc, as ordered.
DMYLIGHT: Indicador con entrada universal standar para termorresistencia, termopar, mV, 4 a mA, 1 a 5 Vcc, 0 a 10 Vcc ó frecuencia hasta 30 KHz. Indicador Digital Universal para Processo Single - DMYLight Estação Auto/Manual - DCY / DCY Controlador de Pressão - DCY Fully configurable by front-panel push-buttons. Configuration stored in non-volatile memory. High accuracy. Manual.